You can find our grassroots (read "marshroots") shop + studio, by the river, at 165 Main Street in dreamy Essex, Ma. cause it's so dreamy, we're often out enjoying it and might be hard to track down. When the river calls, you answer (unlike our texts and DMs which often go missed ... whoops). While we work on getting things more unofficially "official" around here, the shop is currently open by chance or appointment, with a side of wonky hours that may or may not be posted. And while appointments may sound fancy, to know Caus is to know that there's definitely nothing fancy about anything that happens here. That said, send us a message (preferably in a bottle) or give us a call if you're wanting to stop by. We love surprise guests.

You can find our grassroots (read "marshroots") shop + studio, by the river, at 165 Main Street in dreamy Essex, Ma. cause it's so dreamy, we're often out enjoying it and might be hard to track down. When the river calls, you answer (unlike our texts and DMs which often go missed ... whoops). While we work on getting things more unofficially "official" around here, the shop is currently open by chance or appointment, with a side of wonky hours that may or may not be posted. And while appointments may sound fancy, to know Caus is to know that there's definitely nothing fancy about anything that happens here. That said, send us a message (preferably in a bottle) or give us a call if you're wanting to stop by. We love surprise guests.